8.08 billion people in the world.

3.43 billion live in areas that are considered unreached with the gospel.

This means that there are not enough christians in these areas, if any at all, for them to be able to reach their own people with the good news of Jesus. Our giving goal for 2025 is to raise $375,000 to target this great need across the world.

How will you participate?

It will take all of us to make a difference and see the amount of unreached peoples of the world drop significantly so that everyone can have access to the hope we have in Christ.

Giving Goal:



International Mission Board

50% of our Acts 1:8 giving helps support the International Mission Board. IMB has over 3,500 missionaries on the field in all parts of the world working in some of the hardest-to-reach places that have no access to the gospel. We partner with them and have many from our church sent through their organization taking the gospel to the nations!


North American Mission Board

25% of our Acts 1:8 giving helps support he North American Mission Board. NAMB focuses on mobilizing and equipping churches to plant new churches in strategic cities across North America. Money will go directly to work like our connection in Boston - to train, provide resources, and send laborers to take the gospel into the least reached areas right here in our backyard.


25% of our Acts 1:8 giving helps support WFBC Missions. WFBC has a heart to reach the Bing people of Nepal. Money will go towards sending short-term teams to Nepal to take the gospel to this unreached area of the world. Additionally, this will help support our own Spring Break, Summer trips, and help fund disaster relief work.