The Senior Adult ministry exists to give a sense of place to senior adult church members as we grow together in wholehearted discipleship and as we give ourselves in service to meet the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of this age group in our rapidly growing fellowship.
The potential of our group is amazing as we meet new people moving into our greater Athens/Oconee area for retirement, or to be near children and grandchildren. Our hope is to be a great support to WFBC longtime members and to the new members in our fellowship as we meet the challenges of aging gracefully together. This is a young-at-heart group with the prospect for senior adults to meet new friends, to find a genuine church home, and to feel a sense of spiritual belonging.
There are five Sunday classes meeting on Sunday mornings for the senior adult age group. Go to the adult page for more info.
Senior adults meet on fifth Sundays for a covered-dish luncheon. We meet at 11:30 a.m. in the Café located in the Sanctuary building.
Members are actively involved in Bible study, prayer, visitation, and mentoring ministries.