High school is an exciting season for a student! They are beginning to gain more independence as they begin to drive, work a job, and begin thinking about the next step of college or a career. While high school students grow in independence and pick and choose what they give priority to in life, we want to encourage them to continue to become a wholehearted follower of Christ. We want the roots they have developed in middle school to begin to bear fruit in high school as they seek to make other wholehearted followers of Christ.
We believe discipleship is an important element of helping students become wholehearted followers of Christ. In Watty Students, this discipleship happens through D-Groups.
D-Groups are groups of 3-5 students of the same grade and gender and a leader. This group commits to reading scripture throughout the week, keeping H.E.A.R. journals, praying for one another, and meeting weekly to discuss what they are learning. Our high school D-Groups meet at various times throughout the week.
To register your student for a D-Group, or to check out this semester’s reading plan, please use the links below!
Once a month, our high school students have the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with one another at a high school social! These socials can be anything from bowling, to a cookout, to a gingerbread house contest!
All the info on each of these socials can be found here.