Application Date
Which trips are you interested in?
Oconee Spring Break: Immokalee
Oconee Spring Break: Boston
Oconee Spring Break: Puerto Rico
College Spring Break: Boston
College Spring Break: Puerto Rico
College Spring Break: Vero Beach
Youth Summer: Malaysia
College Summer: Norway
College Summer: Boston
Young Adults Summer: Italy
Adult & Family: Barnardsville, NC
Adult & Family Summer: Guatemala
Adult & Family: Kenya
Adult: Nepal
as it appears on your Driver's License
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Current Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Phone Number
Occupation/Professional Skills
Marital Status
Children's Name(s) (if applicable)
If you have children
Personal References
Please provide two references for the Watkinsville Global Team to contact on your behalf. Include 1) name 2) email 3) phone and 4) your relationship to them
Are You a Member of Watkinsville?
or member-in-process, or member of a partner church?
Membership, Continued:
If you answered "no," please explain. If you are a member of a partner church, please list which church
Are You Regularly Involved in smaller group/community at Watkinsville?
Smaller Group, Continued:
If "yes," please give name of Life Group leader, and how long you have been attending this group.
If "no," please give some detail
Write out the Gospel in your own words
Write out your salvation story, including when you were baptized
How are you currently growing in your relationship with Christ?
List your experience in serving the local church (past and present).
List any cross-cultural short- or mid-term mission experience you have had
What experience have you had sharing your faith with those around you?
If the answer is "yes" to any of the following questions, please check the appropriate box:
Excluding minor traffic violations, have you ever been convicted of any violation of any law or ordinance?
Have you ever been arrested or criminally convicted for either physical or sexual abuse of a child?
Do you have any physical impairment that prevents you from physical work?
Have you been under the care of a counselor or licensed mental health professional over the last 12 months?
Do you have any medical issues that the Watkinsville Global Team should be aware of?
Is there anything about your lifestyle that would bring reproach on yourself, your family, the Church, or Christ?
None of the Above
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please clarify below
Beneficiary Name
First Name
Last Name
Beneficiary Relationship
Passport Number
Place of Issue
Issue Date
Expiration Date
In Submitting This Application
I am expressing my agreement with the mission, vision, strategy, goals and statement of faith of Watkinsville First Baptist Church; I am willing to work under the direction of the Watkinsville Global Team and Global Partners, to accept and perform any and all assignments with a God-honoring attitude; I am willing to conform to the standards of national Christians, even if those standards are stricter than my own; I agree to be subject to a background check; I am confirming that I have the time and energy to devote to the pre-, mid- and post-trip responsibilities; I agree to participate in any training arranged by the Watkinsville Global Team and complete all requirements for the trip; I am prepared to take on the financial requirements of this trip, through personal sacrifice, fundraising and faith in the provision of God; I understand that my involvement on this trip can be denied prior to travel if I do not participate in the full preparation of the trip.
I agree
I disagree
Thank you for taking this step of filling out an application to be a part of a Mission opportunity with Watkinsville! We believe that this is an integral and irreplaceable piece of being a wholehearted follower of Christ, along with a strategic short-term investment in our long-term missionary partners.
Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by our Mission Team or pastor with further details. If you have any questions before then, please feel free to contact