In 2018 our church began to pray about reaching an unengaged, unreached people group. He eventually led us to adopt the Bing People of Nepal. For months we prayed about this effort until the Lord opened a door for us to send our first team in May of 2019 to go and find the Bing people. We had general information regarding their location in the country, so our main mission was to find a Bing village. Not only did we find our first village, we helped lead a Bing man to Christ!! We also had the great privilege of sharing the good news with over 120 Bing people in the village. Since that first trip, we have taken multiple trips and have seen multiple Bing people give their lives to Christ. We have also partnered with some amazing Nepali pastors and leaders who have caught the vision for this work.
All of this has been possible because of prayer. PRAYER IS THE WORK. As you pray through this page, you are joining us in the most critical work of reaching the Bing people! What an amazing blessing it is to join the Father in this work so that His name would become famous among the Bing and all people groups of the earth!
Find out how you can pray for the the work being done in Nepal!
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