5 Reasons Why You Should Come to Winter Retreat



“Why should I go to Watty retreat?” That is probably a question some of you have contemplated these past few days. “Why in the world would I want to spend a weekend with a bunch of people I don’t know super well in Helen, Georgia?”

Well, I could probably give you about 100 reasons why you should come, but I’m just going to simplify it down to five:

1.  You can find and develop genuine community.

When I first got to Athens, I didn't know many people and, to be honest, I was pretty miserable.  That’s when Watkinsville came in. The people took me in like I had always been a part of their family, but it wasn't until retreat that those relationships started to grow and become more than just knowing someone's name. You will meet new people, make new friends, and develop a meaningful, life-giving, biblical community.

2. You will learn the value of the local church.

To say the Retreat helped me fall in love with the local church is a bit of an understatement. I went from just going on Sunday mornings to applying to be an intern in a matter of weeks. This weekend will help you see the value of the church and give you a desire to grow, serve, and learn as part of the church.

3. You will get Fancy John’s cooking.

I don’t think I really need to say anymore.

4. You will have an absolute blast!

Imagine a weekend where you are staying with some of the coolest people around! You can stay up all night playing spikeball, catchphrase, or just hanging out. Even the car ride is fun, and trust me, you can learn a lot about someone from just riding with them and listening to what music they play.

5.  You will grow in your relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

Let’s face it: seasons of life change. The communities we are in change, the people we spend time with change, the places we live change…but the God we worship never changes. College is a time to learn about who you are, but also time to learn who your Creator is. The Savior of the world wants to have a relationship with you! This weekend is a chance for you to grow in your knowledge of Him as well as your relationship with Him. Come worship the One true King who deserves our worship, and watch Him shape and mold you into the person he desires for you to be.

Sign up now! I know you’re free, because nobody makes plans that far in advance. Commit to joining us MLK weekend for a great time of growing your relationship with the Lord, building community, and just having fun! 



Wyatt's Story & Sharing Yours


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