Wyatt's Story & Sharing Yours



HEY GANG welcome back from Fall Break!! Just in case you missed in all of the hullabaloo that comes with transitioning from vacation to misery (ehem, I mean school/work), we had an exciting new podcast come out this weekend!! 

Don't lie, you've seen this face before. If you can't find Wyatt Dyches, there's a good chance he is somewhere around Watty, singing Celine Dion, making people laugh, or just plain serving the church. He's the events intern and is always on the move, finding ways to making people happy. 

So we know you've probably met Wyatt, but do you know him? Do you know how he came to know the Lord? Well, here's your chance to find out. We're so proud of his courage to share both his struggles and his triumphs in coming to know Jesus. The work of the Holy Spirit is evident in his life and we'd love for you to hear more of where that came from. 

Wyatt's Testimony

If something has been laid on your heart to share—your testimony, a passage of Scripture, a cool gospel conversation with a classmate, etc.—please reach out! I know it probably feels weird to take the initiative of emailing someone you don't know a piece of your story, but here's the deal. When God teaches us things and does a mighty work in our life, what are we called to do? TELL. EVERYONE. If you look at the New Testament, when people are healed from lifelong diseases or hear the good news of Jesus Christ, what do they do? They REJOICE and SHOUT ABOUT IT to they know, which often leads to even MORE people coming to Christ! Even if you don't tell us, good grief, tell someone. I guarantee someone in your life could use encouragement and hear the faithfulness of the Lord. Also, it just gives Him glory, which is whole point anyway, isn't it? 

If you want to share something, send it to college@watkinsville.org. Even if you have absolutely nothing you want to tell us but just want to meet more of the college team and get involved, we want to meet you! 


Necrosis in Our Hearts


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