Ask our Staff: Book Recommendations!
Mac Willingham // College Intern
Back in October, I sent several members of the Watkinsville staff an email that said, “could you please respond to this email with one book that you think every college student should read or that you found most helpful during your time in college?” I thought their responses (below) might be interesting and helpful for all of you to begin the year with a good book!
I have linked all of the titles of the books to its amazon page to make it extra easy to pick one out and start reading. I’m already a few chapters into The Magician’s Nephew… thanks @Joel!
If you have other topics you’d like to be answered in this format, email to let us know!!
Taylor Crouse // Intern Director & Youth Associate
Book: What is the Gospel?
Author: Greg Gilbert
Why: This is the most clear, concise book that explains the gospel. We don’t ever “graduate” from this, and our heart should be renewed by it daily. Also, having a clear understanding is key to being able to clearly share the gospel.
Daniel NeSmith // Student Pastor
Book: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Author: Don Whitney
Book: Humility: True Greatness
Author: CJ Mahaney
Book: Master Plan of Evangelism
Author: Robert Coleman
Caleb Barnes // Worship Associate
Book: Humility: True Greatness
Author: CJ Mahaney
Why: College is a season that can quickly create prideful habits. You can do whatever you want whenever you want for the first time ever. This book pointed out so many things in my heart that I did not realize were prideful thoughts or actions. However, this book was so helpful because it did not leave me discouraged or hopeless. This very easy read provided markers on how to identify pride in my life and gave practical application on how to practice humility. This book has been so helpful and convicting. I return to it multiple times a year.
Anna Crouse // Administrative Assistant
Book: The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness
Author: Tim Keller
Why: It’s a small book, you could read it before you go to bed, but it packs in some solid truths about humility. Gospel humility, and the freedom and rest that it can bring, especially in a world that is so focused on oneself.
Book: Just Do Something
Author: Kevin DeYoung
Why: I think everyone can benefit from what [DeYoung] has to say in this book, but it’s a timely read for seniors that are not sure what to do after college. In a time where we can have so many great opportunities in front of us, we can get bogged down and waste so much time trying to make the perfect decision. This book really nails down some practical ways to make those big decisions. Ultimately though, as the title gives away, you’ve just gotta do something.
Brooke Davis // Intern Director & Youth Associate
Book: Habits of Grace
Author: David Mathis
Why: This book was SO helpful for me because it laid the foundation for all of my spiritual disciplines. It opened my eyes to see why disciplines were important and how life-changing they could be to every area of my walk. It was a book that deeply changed by faith and I would recommend it to any college student!
Joel Shinpoch // Communications Pastor
Book: The Prodigal God
Author: Tim Keller
Why: Once you have the story of Luke 15 as a picture in your mind for the Gospel it will never leave you.
Book: Just Do Something
Author: Kevin DeYoung
Why: If you are thinking about what to do next in life you will find great comfort in knowing God has already given you the instructions.
Book: The Magician's Nephew
Author: C.S. Lewis
Why: Reading a kid’s story that speaks to the largest themes of the human experience is entertaining and transformative.
Vic Doss // College Pastor
Book: Weight of Glory
Author: C.S. Lewis
Why: If you want to know who C.S. Lewis is, this is the book to read.
Book: Counterfeit Gods
Author: Tim Keller
Why: John Calvin says the human heart is an idol factor. Keller gives a way to diagnose and prevent this from happening in this book.
Book: A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories
Author: Flannery O’Connor
Why: I think she would have been the best American author had she lived longer. There is something Christ-haunted in everything she writes. She grew up in the south and brings a veil of spirituality in every story.
Mac is a Junior at UGA majoring in Psychology. He has been a college intern at Watkinsville for the past two years and is planning on working in ministry after graduating. Mac loves spending time with his friends and family, drinking coffee, and looking at pictures of his dogs (especially Juneau). He also feels uncomfortable writing this bio in third person.
Contact Mac Willingham (478-960-0399) or email with your idea and we’ll talk about posting it here!
Kaitlin Minter // UGA Student & Watty Worship Leader